Invisible Girl
Invisible Girl, also known as Lauren, is a chemical engineer and gained her powers due to an accident at her lab. This accident caused Lauren's three best friends and herself to fight the evil men responsible for the accident. While fighting back, the four became aware of their superhuman powers. For the week after the accident, Lauren was invisible 24 hours a day. However, she was soon able to control her invisibility and it became a valuable asset instead of a cripling disease. Lauren also found that if any of her bodily fluids (spit, mucous, etc.) were to come into contact with another person's skin, the point of contact would become and remain invisible for several hours. This power was perfect for really freaking out bad guys.
Invisibility Mucous
She is, she is, she is, invisible
and no one can see-e her.
She is, she is, she is, invisible
and she can do anything.
She is called Invisible Girl
'cause she is invisible.
She is, she is, she is, invisible,
just like Wonderwoman's plane.
She is, she is, she is, invisible
except for her real cool cape.
She is, she is, she is, invisible,
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