The Schpazz Sisters
The Schpazz Sisters are Mary and Kate Schpazz, two sisters who moved to America from Norwegia and were hired by the Funk to do housework in exchange for room and board. When the Schpazz Sisters were kidnapped, the Funk soon found the sisters had a unique talent. The sisters had an incredibley annoying scream that could be useful to the Funk The sisters were told about the secret lives of the four women who employed them and they became Alfred to the Funk Batman,
Shriek of Annoyance
And they said,
"Bye-bye, Norwegian pie."
Drove their Chevy
to the door
of the Funk Four.
Asked for a job
for room and board.
Didn't know
they'd be superheroes.
Didn't know
they'd be superheroes.
Black and White
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